Dominican University Business Programs Receive Reaccreditation from IACBE

Business students listening to presentation at Dominican University New York.

Dominican University New York’s business programs have received full, 7-year reaccreditation from the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE).  The IACBE said that the Division of Business, Innovation, and Leadership has demonstrated a commitment to continuous improvement and excellence in business education.  

Ivan Rudolph-Shabinsky, Director of the Division of Business, Innovation, and Leadership, said, “As part of our accreditation by the IACBE, we go through a rigorous reaccreditation process every seven years.  We not only provide significant assessment data on all our business programs, but also host a team from the IACBE that reviews our programs, speaks to professors, students, administrators, and businesses we partner with in the community to generate a comprehensive view of our offerings and how well we prepare students for careers in business.”

The finance, marketing, business management, and MBA programs all received reaccreditation.  Rudolph-Shabinsky said that the Division also received accolades for the strength of its strategic plan.